Start your morning mindfully—and you’ll feel the benefits all day!
The day ahead of you may contain many different experiences—some good, some bad, some neutral. How you start your day, though, can have a significant impact on how you deal with those experiences.
Starting your day mindfully can help you:
- Really appreciate the good things in your day and
- Help you meet the day’s challenges with greater ease.
Elisha Goldstein, writing on, says: “How we wake up in the morning has a fundamental impact on how the rest of the day unfolds.” He goes on to suggest three mindful things you can do when you wake up to help yourself be more mindful and self-compassionate during the rest of your day. (We’ve added one of our favourites too!)
Take in soothing sounds
Before you go to bed tonight, think about the alarm you’ll use to wake yourself up in the morning. Is it one that coaxes you to wakefulness gently or does it jangle your nerves? Rather than starting your day with an alarm that jolts you awake, choose one that’s gentle and soothing—chimes, bells or relaxing music, for instance. This allows your body to take in something soothing at the start the day.
Re-hydrate your body
Before you have any caffeine, drink a big glass of water! Your body hasn’t had any water since you went to sleep—be kind to it by rehydrating before you move on to your cup of coffee or tea.
Observe nature
Before you switch on your smartphone or check your emails, go outside! (If that’s not practical for you, open a window and look out.) You can take your water, tea or coffee with you, if you like! Then take in some nature:
- Allow your eyes to take in what you see, whether it’s trees, plants or birds or simply the colour of the sky.
- Notice the feel of the air against your face. Is it warm, cool, damp or cold?
- Be aware of the scents you notice as you breathe in. If you’re in a garden, perhaps sample the scents of your favourite herbs or flowers.
- Notice the sounds of nature around you. What can you hear nearby or in the distance?
Now you’re ready for one of our favourite practices…
Set an intention to be kind to yourself today
First, bring your awareness to your breathing for a few in-breaths and out-breaths. Then, gently set an intention to be kind to yourself today by:
- Noticing and cherishing the good things that happen in your day, and
- Responding to any difficulties that crop up by showing yourself compassion.
Remember that being kind to yourself isn’t selfish – you need to look after yourself if you want to be able to help others. As Rick Hanson, Ph.D, says:
“As your own well-being increases, you’re more able and likely to be patient, supportive, forgiving and loving… As you grow happiness and other inner strengths inside yourself, you’ve got more to offer to others.”
In other words, be kind to yourself and you’ll also be able to respond with compassion to others.
Now you’re ready to start your mindful day.
Try this mindful morning routine over the next week or so as an experiment—and see how much difference it makes to your day.